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Privacy Notice





Regency Advisers Limited (“RAL”) is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 10518445. Registered office: 130 Old Street, London, England, EC1V 9BD.


RAL takes the privacy of our clients and candidates seriously. This notice relates to candidates and potential candidates. We are an executive recruitment company, operating in the niche market of financial services recruitment, providing candidate-finding services to clients. RAL must process personal data (including sensitive personal data) so that it can provide these services – in doing so, RAL acts as a data controller.


You may give your personal details to RAL directly, such as on an application via email, phone, messenger platforms, social media, registration form or via our website, or we may collect them from another source such as a jobs board. RAL must have a legal basis for processing your personal data. For the purposes of presenting you for roles available with our clients and/or providing you with information relating to roles relevant to you, RAL will only use your personal data in accordance with the terms of the following privacy notice.


This privacy notice sets out the types of personal data that we collect about you, how and why we use it, how long we will keep it for, when why and who we will share it will, the legal basis for us using your personal data and your rights in relation to us storing and processing your personal data. It also explains how we may contact you and how you can contact us.


Part of the recruitment process will involve sharing your personal data with our clients who have potential work opportunities that may be suitable for you. This will be done with your explicit consent. These third parties will have their own privacy policies and will also need to comply with all applicable laws – we encourage you to contact them directly if you have any concerns or questions about your data.


How we receive information and how we may use it


RAL must process personal data in (rare cases including sensitive personal data) so that it can provide recruitment services. RAL collects the personal data of the following types of people to allow it to undertake its business:


  • Potential and live client contacts.

  • Potential candidates and those placed in permanent, and occasionally, temporary or contract roles.

  • Employees, consultants, temporary and self-employed workers

  • Supplier contacts.


The information you give RAL or it collects about you may include:


  • Who you are and how to contact you:

    • Name, address, post code, private and corporate e-mail addresses, telephone phone numbers.

  • Information about your professional life:

    • CV, photograph, employment details and preferences, professional profiles available in the public domain such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or a corporate website.

  • Compliance and due diligence:

    • Financial information, documentation and references verifying your qualifications and experience and your right to work in the United Kingdom, tax and national insurance information to pay you if you are a temporary worker, contractor or self-employed person.

  • Information obtained from other sources:

    • This is information we may obtain from sources such as LinkedIn, or other social media, corporate websites, job boards. In this case we will inform you, by sending you this privacy notice, within 30 days of collecting the data of the fact we hold personal data about you, the source the personal data originates from, whether it came from publicly accessible sources, and for what purpose we intend to retain and process your personal data.


Why we process your data and the legal basis for it


RAL uses information held about you in the following way to provide job finding and complementary services to our candidates.


RAL’s principal service is the introduction of candidates to its clients for permanent, and occasionally temporary or contract work assignments. This encompasses meeting candidates’ current needs and supporting them through the course of their careers. To do this, RAL will collect your personal data (which may include sensitive personal data) and will process your personal data for the purposes of providing you with work-finding services and ancillary services such as training.


The principal legal basis for the collecting, processing and retaining of personal data is our legitimate business interests described below:


  • RAL introduces candidates to clients for permanent, temporary and contract roles, thereby furthering the careers of those candidates and providing an essential service to its clients. The processing of personal data relating to our candidates and our client contacts is critical to this process.

  • RAL maintains databases of candidate and client personal data containing historical information as well as current resourcing requirements.

  • To maintain and develop its business, RAL also records the personal data of potential candidates and client contacts.

  • To deliver its principal services, as well ancillary offerings, RAL contacts candidates on a regular basis, via various means such as email, phone, job alerts and other relevant notifications.


RAL will also rely on the following bases for specific uses of data:


  • Legal obligation (for example to record your right to work in the UK).

  • Contractual obligation (for example to process your information to pay you, or to provide your personal information to a client).

  • Consent (for example your consent for your details to be passed to a client for a potential role).


How we disclose your information inside and outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)


RAL may share your personal information with:


  • Any members of its group, whether in the EEA and outside of the EEA.

  • Candidates (if you are a client) – to arrange interviews and engagements.

  • Clients – to introduce candidates to them.

  • Clients, business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance and compliance of obligations of any contract RAL enters into with them or you.

  • Organisations that may assist RAL in confirming your suitability for a role.

  • The buyer, in the event all or part of RAL is sold.

  • Organisations where RAL has a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation.

  • Organisations that may assist RAL in enforcing its contractual rights or meeting its contractual responsibilities.


The lawful basis for the third-party processing will include:


  • Their legitimate business interests in processing your personal data, for example in recruiting new permanent or temporary workers.

  • Satisfaction of their contractual obligations to RAL as a data processor.

  • For the purpose of a contract in place or in contemplation.

  • To fulfil their legal obligations.


Storing and processing your personal information:


  • RAL may transfer only the information you provide to us to countries outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) for the purposes of providing you with work finding services.

  • We will take steps to ensure adequate protections are in place to ensure the security of your information.

  • The EEA comprises the EU member states plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.


How we retain your data


RAL will retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary for its legitimate business interests or as required by contractual obligations or law. Different laws require different retention periods.


The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003, require us to keep work-seeker records for at least one year from (a) the date of their creation or (b) after the date on which we last provide you with work-finding services.


We must also keep your payroll records, holiday pay, sick pay and pensions auto-enrolment records for as long as is legally required by HMRC and associated national minimum wage, social security and tax legislation.


Where RAL has obtained your consent to process your personal and/or sensitive personal data, we will do so for at least 5 years. Upon expiry of that period RAL will seek further consent from you. Where consent is not granted RAL will cease to process your personal and/or sensitive personal data.


Our current retention notice will be available upon request from 25th May 2018.


Your Rights


You have the following data protection rights:


  • The right to be informed about the personal data RAL processes on you.

  • The right of access to the personal data RAL processes on you.

  • The right to rectification of your personal data.

  • The right to erasure of your personal data in certain circumstances.

  • The right to restrict processing of your personal data.

  • The right to data portability in certain circumstances.

  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data that was based on a public or legitimate interest.

  • The right not to be subjected to automated decision making and profiling.

  • The right to withdraw consent at any time.


Should you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact Mr Sergey Bulatov (


Cookies and external websites


We use cookies to provide you with the best possible browsing experience on our website. 


Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a site visitor's browser. They are typically used to keep track of the settings users have selected and actions they have taken on a site.


Types of cookies:


Session (transient) cookies: These cookies are erased when site visitors close their browsers and are not used to collect information from their computers. They typically store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.

Persistent (permanent or stored) cookies: These cookies are stored on a site visitor's hard drive until they expire (at a set expiration date) or until they are deleted. These cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as web surfing behaviour or user preferences for a specific site.


This website is hosted by Wix, please take a look at the table below to view which cookies Wix places on Wix sites:



















Some external links that might appear on our website may lead to websites owned and operated by third parties. These websites have their own privacy policies and we encourage you to review them. We accept no responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third parties and you use them at your own risk.


Changes to RAL’s privacy notice


Any changes RAL makes to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail.


This privacy notice was last updated: 28.05.2019


Complaints or queries


If you wish to complain about this privacy notice or any of the procedures set out in it please contact Mr Sergey Bulatov ( 


You also have the right to raise concerns with Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or at, or any other relevant supervisory authority should your personal data be processed outside of the UK, if you believe that your data protection rights have not been adhered to.

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